Welcome to the Blue-Bot Online Emulator from Terrapin!
Use the Blue-Bot Emulator to program a virtual Blue-Bot just like the Blue-Bot robot!
Press ‘X’ to erase instructions.
Press ‘GO’ to start (and also stop) Blue-Bot.
Click ‘Home’ to move Blue-Bot back to where it started.
Click ‘Save’ to save the commands you have written. The file is saved to your Downloads folder.
Click ‘Load’ to get your work back.
Check out our monthly calendar mats!
Have fun!
Like the Blue-Bot Online Emulator? Using the actual Blue-Bot can be even more exciting and fun!
The Card Mat is a flexible 6x6 grid that you can tailor to whatever you would like your students to explore. Ideal for both Bee-Bots and Blue-Bots, the Card Mat is a grid covered with an attached clear plastic sheet. Lift the clear sheet to position images on the grid and then lower it to lock them in place. Students guide their robot across the 6x6 grid as they practice and learn each concept.
Click to view Card Mat details and lesson ideas.
Click to view this mat in the Terrapin store.
The Card Mat is incorporated into most of the Bee-Bot Lessons. This online curriculum package gives teachers lesson plans that are tied to national curriculum standards. They give students an opportunity to engage in 200 learning activities using the floor Bee-Bot or Blue-Bot or the same activities in this online emulator. Bee-Bot Lessons includes over 3,000 printable images to use with the Card Mat.
The mat is made of washable vinyl and measures approximately 36" by 36" (90 cm by 90 cm)
Snakes and Ladders Game
Click the die to roll it. Add the number you roll to the number of the square you are on. Or, count on from your current square to see where Blue-Bot needs to go. Move Blue-Bot that many squares (the turns don’t count).
The goal is to get to square 36 by following the path of the numbers in order.
If you land at the bottom of a ladder, send Blue-Bot up to its top.
If you land on a snake’s head, slide down to its tail. (Don’t worry, it won’t hurt you!)
Use right-angle turns to get to the correct square when you land on the head of a snake.
You can take turns with another player, or just play by yourself. The winner is the one who gets to square 36 first!
Have fun! (Don’t forget to click X between turns.)
The Alphabet Mat gives younger students a chance to identify upper and lower case letters, as older students spell out their weekly word lists.
Navigating Bee-Bot or Blue-Bot across this mat boosts students’ understanding of letters and words. It is great for spelling lessons, learning upper and lower case letters, and all types of word games. Included with the mat is a set of Alphabet Cards.
The Alphabet Mat is incorporated into several of the Bee-Bot Lessons.
Click to view Card Mat details and lesson ideas.
The Spanish Alphabet Mat gives younger students a chance to identify upper and lower case letters and special characters, as older students spell out their weekly word lists.
Navigating Bee-Bot or Blue-Bot across this mat boosts students’ understanding of letters and words. It is great for spelling lessons, learning upper and lower case letters, and all types of word games.
Click to view Card Mat details and lesson ideas.
This online activity is from the Counting section of Exploring Math with Blue-Bot.
All activities except for remote coding also work with Bee-Bot.
Circle the correct coins in each line to add up to the total.
Use the Circle button to mark a coin.
Blue-Bot will draw a circle even if its pen is up.
This online activity is from the Add and Subtract section of Exploring Math with Blue-Bot.
All activities except for remote coding also work with Bee-Bot.
Click on the dice to roll them. Add up the total shown on the 3 dice.
Code Blue-Bot to go to that number and mark it with a circle.
Blue-Bot will draw a circle even if its pen is up.
The Community Mat places Bee-Bot or Blue-Bot in a town that students will be eager to explore. They can program their 'bot to visit the library, town hall, pizza shop, and many more destinations.
Sending Bee-Bot or Blue-Bot from place to place provides lessons in what constitutes a community and helps develop students’ geography and coding skills.
The 3D Community Construction Kit uses the same images in a town that students can construct out of the boxes and stickers in the kit. Coding any of Terrapin's robots to arrive at target destinations builds spatial awareness and navigation skills.
The Community Mat is incorporated into several of the Bee-Bot Lessons.
Click to view the Community Card Mat details and lesson ideas.
With the Country Road Mat, students navigate the winding roads of a rural environment with their Bee-Bot or Blue-Bot.
What will they discover? There are people at work or play as well as animals to visit. This mat inspires lessons and discussions about the environment, food production, wildlife, and more.
The Country Road Mat is incorporated into a fun lesson in Bee-Bot Lessons. Students tell a story while solving problems that arise along the way. Can they rescue the turtle that is in the middle of the road? What about the newspaper that landed on the roof of a house?
Click to view Country Road Mat details and lesson ideas.
The CVC Words Mat presents an array of easily recognized images for students to explore with their Bee-Bot or Blue-Bot.
This mat builds students’ language, reading, and matching skills as they identify words and their images. Included with the mat is a set of CVC Word Cards.
The CVC Words Mat is used in a rhyming activity in Bee-Bot Lessons.
Click to view CVC Words Mat details and lesson ideas.
The Dice Mat offers a fun way for students to explore math concepts with their Bee-Bot or Blue-Bot.
This mat builds number, counting, adding, and matching skills. Included with the mat is a pair of over-sized foam dice.
Roll the dice and navigate Bee-Bot or Blue-Bot to get to the same numbers. Students can follow the teacher's plan or invent games of their own. Young students can go to the number on one die. Older students can navigate to the numbers that add up to eleven. How many ways can you add up to 10?
Click to view Dice Mat details and lesson ideas.
The Go Cart Rally Mat gives students a fun opportunity to create a longer program with their Bee-Bot or Blue-Bot. If they navigate the entire route, they will use 27 commands! Students can record the list of commands they used or lay out Command Cards to track their progress through the course.
They learn directionality and sequence planning while maneuvering Bee-Bot or Blue-Bot through the track’s twists and turns. After completing the route, can they go through it backwards?
The Go Cart Rally Mat is used in Bee-Bot Lessons, along with another racetrack and a maze.
Click to view Go Cart Rally Mat details and lesson ideas.
The Number Line Mat gives students a fun way to practice number skills with their Bee-Bot or Blue-Bot.
This colorful mat is a long strip of numbers from zero to ten, with the appropriate number of animals in each box. Students can move Bee-Bot or Blue-Bot forward and back along the number line to reach target numbers.
This is a great first mat for young students to use, as they don't need to turn Bee-Bot right or left, just practice moving it forward and back. Be sure they remember to press X before their turn to erase prior commands!
With this mat, students practice number identification and counting, as well as simple addition and subtraction. If you are at 4 fish, how many steps does Bee-Bot need to take to get to 10 bumble bees? Then, how many steps backward does Bee-Bot need to take to get to 2 sheep?
The Number Line Mat is used in several online activities in Bee-Bot Lessons.
Click to view Number Line Mat details and lesson ideas.
The Old West Mat places Bee-Bot or Blue-Bot in a desert town from the Old West. Students can explore area and learn mapping skills along the way.
The Old West Mat brings together history, geography, and science, encouraging students to create stories. At the same time it teaches mapping skills with each feature in a square identifiable by its map coordinates. Students learn navigation in terms of directionality and relative and absolute locations.
Students will have fun exploring the people and animals on the mat. Can they find (and avoid) the rattlesnake? Will they end up in jail. Students can create cards with names of destinations and take turns picking a card at random and going to that location. Can they also find destinations using the coordinates on the mat? What animal is at D3? It's an armadillo!
The Old West Mat is used in one of the online activities in Bee-Bot Lessons.
Click to view Old West Mat details and lesson ideas.
Students will have fun sending Bee-Bot or Blue-Bot around the School Mat.
The School Mat is designed from the perspective of Bee-Bot or Blue-Bot, not from the student's, so it helps them consider a different point of view other than their own.
Using this mat can prompt a discussion of school activities and reinforce sequencing skills by coding Bee-Bot or Blue-Bot to visit different locations in the right order. Can their 'bot follow their daily class schedule?
The School Mat is used in one of the online activities in Bee-Bot Lessons.
Click to view School Mat details and lesson ideas.
Students will have fun exploring these colorful images with the Shapes, Colors, and Sizes Mat. They can navigate Bee-Bot or Blue-Bot to all the blue shapes, all the circles, all the large shapes, and more. There are so many possibilities.
Using this mat targets and reinforces students' understanding of color, shape and size. They can compare and contrast these attributes and how they describe and define each of the shapes. Create your own set of cards for these shapes and ask students to take turns going from one shape's card to the next.
This mat is used in several of the online activities in Bee-Bot Lessons.
Click to view Shapes, Colors, and Sizes Mat details and lesson ideas.
Students can explore the "heads" and "tails" of coins with the U.S. Coins Mat. They can navigate Bee-Bot or Blue-Bot as they count the value of the coins.
Using this mat targets and reinforces students' understanding of coins and their values. Create your own set of cards for these coins and ask students to take turns going from one set of coins to the next. The cards could say "3 quarters" or "20 cents," depending on the abilities of your students.
If students find the images too small, try pressing Ctrl or Command with the plus sign on the numeric keypad, if available. Most browsers support this action to increase the size of the content of the browser window. Or, go to browser's menu and increase the Zoom level.
This mat is used in one of the online activities in Bee-Bot Lessons.
Click to view U.S. Coins Mat details and lesson ideas.
United States coin images from the United States Mint.
Bee-Bot Lessons, for Bee-Bots and Blue-Bots, is a collection of lessons covering every area of the K-2 curriculum. Each includes an objective, procedures for implementation, tips for differentiated instruction, and alignment to standards.
Bee-Bot Lessons has been integrated with the Bee-Bot Emulator so lessons can be taught online as well as in class. This mat is from the Lesson 11 "Safety Signs" in the section on Science and Health.
Bee-Bot Lessons, for Bee-Bots and Blue-Bots, is a collection of lessons covering every area of the K-2 curriculum. Each includes an objective, procedures for implementation, tips for differentiated instruction, and alignment to standards.
Bee-Bot Lessons has been integrated with the Bee-Bot Emulator so lessons can be taught online as well as in class. This mat is from the lesson Lesson 32 "Life Cycle of a Butterfly" in the section on Science and Health.
Problem-Solving with Bee-Bot uses Bee-Bot or Blue-Bot to teach problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Through a series of sequential challenges, students learn to direct Bee-Bot or Blue-Bot on increasingly complicated routes, which develops an understanding of programming, prediction, self-evaluation, and mapping in the process.
Combining student motivation to use Bee-Bot or Blue-Bot with Problem-Solving with Bee-Bot structures learning and uses robot technology to support and develop vital skills for student success.
Problem-Solving with Bee-Bot has been integrated with the Bee-Bot Emulator so lessons can be taught online as well as in class. This exercise is from the initial series of challenges where students code Bee-Bot to follow a pattern.
The Baseball Mat is a fun way to use Blue-Bot's ability to turn 45 degrees. In this Blue-Bot emulator, choose the level named More turns. Now Blue-Bot can start facing the pitcher and run the bases.
If students choose the Level named Repeat loops, they can program Blue-Bot to run around all the bases with a Repeat command!
If you are using Blue-Bot in the classroom, you can turn it 45 degrees using the TacTile Code Reader with the Tactile Code Reader Extension Tile Pack. Just pair Blue-Bot with the TacTile Code Reader via Bluetooth, and add cards to the Reader so that Blue-Bot can turn left or right 45 or 90 degrees.
Click to view Baseball Mat details and lesson ideas.